Monday, September 6, 2010

The Day That I Was Born...

The sonogram my mother took in her 2nd trimester couldn't exactly determine the sex of the feotus. The millions of family members and old uncles and aunties my parents encountered, told my mother that it was going to be a boy.

"Believe me, I know these things. If your behind sticks out, that means its a girl, but since your tummy is really big, that means it has to be a boy!"- Was the awesome piece of information given to my mother by a neighbour who neither had any knowledge of Gynaecology, nor a Degree in Sex-Determination-Of-Child-By-Observing-Belly-Size-Of-Mother.

But still, they all knew. And my mother wasn't looking forward to it. "Preferably," my mother often says, "its nice to have one of each. But I would have been a teeny bit sad if I had two boys."
"Teeny bit" was a lie, in my opinion. Boys are dull. They have a limited selection when it comes to clothes. Their only idea of fun, at the age of 10 is to bash up girls, and at the age of 20, it changes to running after them. Their egos are bigger than their heads themselves. Why would anyone want TWO of that?!!

So as everyone had already lectured my mother and told her the sex of her yet-to-be-born baby, she was preparing herself for a life devoted to bringing up two little boys. Until the day that I was born......

"Doctor, what is it?"

"Shhhh....It's a girl."

"A girl?Oh what a surprise!!"

And with that, my mother smiled, and  plopped her head onto her pillow for some well deserved sleep. Giving birth to a 7.5 pound baby isn't an easy task!

N.B :- In my brother's great opinion, my mum did not plop her head onto the pillow to rest, but she "fainted from the shock of having given birth to something so horrible." Really now. Boys!! :P

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Of Noogles, Dolipops and Crowd Mothers.....

Children are inquisitive little beings. "Why", "For what", "Who", "How" and "Where" are the top words on their vocabulary list. I was no different. My mother still dreads the moment I open my mouth to say "Mum..can I ask you a question?". But her answer to most of my questions about Grammar, or word pronounciations or anything concerning the language my brother considers his mothertongue would be, "English is a funny language." And I'd have to agree. Hell, there are more exceptions to a rule than inclusions! But as little children just beginning to read and talk, we couldn't care less about spellings or grammar, or even making proper sense or a word, as long as we thought it was right. My brother for one, was always "get-upping" from sleep or "hurry-upping" for school.

I myself, although a pretty well-read 5 year old, had a difficult time understanding that a "chicken" is NOT a room where one cooks food. It is the "Kitchen" where we cook the "chicken". And the capital city of Hawaii is not Honolululululu. (You just HAVE to stop after two "Lu"s!!). Funny it was, when I would come home from school and demand a plate of "Maggi Noogles" for lunch. "It's nooDles", my mum would correct me. "Yes momma...noogles is what I said!". It also quite impressed my aunt, that I managed to read a whole paragraph from her book about the 16th President Of the United States. But come to his name, and I would go, "ABE-RAA-HAM  LIN-CO-LIN".  Oh go ahead, laugh at me, but why would you add letters to a word if they are supposed to be "silent"?! I sure thought I deserved a sweet or lollipop for achieving such a feat. Or as I used to call it, a " big huge dolipop".

However, the most distinct memory of my funny pronunciations, one that my parents and I still have a laugh about, is the time my mother tried to teach me how to say the word "Proud". It goes something like this.....

"Mom, are you crowd of me?" I would say, whenever I did something worthy of her praise, even if I just got a golden star in my school book.
"Honey, its not crowd. It's proud."
"No Huzie..Proud. P-P-P-P-P...PROUD."
"Yes mom, P-P-P-P-P.....Crowd!! Are you crowd of me?"
*Sigh* "Yes baby, I'm very crowd of you."

I guess some things are just too hard for 5 year olds to grasp!! ;)

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Famous Five!

So this is my first entry....and as one will observe from my future posts, I'm not the kind that likes to write long essays and bore people to death. (Well, if you asked me to talk, that's another matter :P ) So what I do when i don't like to write pages and pages of useless nonsense (which is pretty much what I do in College 6 days a week), is that I write down things in points. It's easier to remember, faster to read and frankly, short and sweet is how I like it. (That's why I hardly use more than 1 supplement during exams!)
So here goes....these are lists of the top 5 random things that are on my mind right now. (If it bores you, well I can't really do anything about it,can I?)

Top 5 Ways To Bug Your Sibling:

  1. Hide their house captain/ school captain/ monitor badge. Not being able to have proof that they have "power and authority" in the workplace kills them.
  2. Scream "Manchester United Sucks" when they are watching a football match in which their favourite team is playing. If that doesn't work, just go and stand in front of the TV.
  3. Don't show that you're getting irritated when they are trying to bug you.
  4. Laugh at their handwriting and make fun of them when they top every exam. Getting teased for being a nerd will make them want to cry.
  5. Make friends on Facebook with their girlfriend. 
5 Stories About My Life That I Love To Tell People About:
  1. How I ironed my right foot at the age of 2. The mark is still there, so i have proof that I'm not making up stories from thin air.
  2. The time when I SWALLOWED a gold pendant my mum gave me for my 5th birthday. It gets disgusting from the time of digestion onwards. Really, my mum is lucky to have me.
  3. How my brother once accused my mum of "trying to stab" him to death. He was 19 at the time. Boy, do I have a mature sibling!!
  4. About how I was told by my mum that I was adopted.Picked up from a garbage dump, actually. I believed that till I was 10.
  5. How my brother thinks I'm a lesbian....who"only makes friends with "black people".
5 Best Holidays Of My Life:
  1. Goa 2009- Taj Holiday Village in Goa with my school friends. My 1st trip anywhere without "parents" hovering around the place.
  2. Sri Lanka 2006- Last holiday with just my own family.
  3. Europe 2001- I saw 13 cities in 1 trip. And I want to live in 8 of them. EUROPE RULES!
  4. USA 2004- I got to bunk school for 17days. And I also got to wear my 1st sari at my cousin's wedding.
  5. Rajasthan 2008- Holidays during the winter are always fun! :)
5 Funniest Things People Have Told Me/Said About Me:
  1. "If you shake your legs, your mom will die"-Aditi Shah ( Wow, her mom is immortal!!)
  2. "I used to be scared of you. Your face is very scary." - Various people ( HAHA- BEWARE! I'M SCARY!!!!)
  3. "Are you like a vampire?...I don't mean evil, blood sucking types. I mean like Edward Cullen!" (Damn, I'm scary and I Sparkle too!!!)
  4. "You need to lose weight." -My mother (So that I disappear from the face of the earth, I suppose)
  5.  "Huzan is a spirit! You must beware of her or she will possess you." ( Really now!!!!)
5 Goals Of My Life:
  1. To be married by 24 and have 2 beautiful babies after that.("One of each", as my mum says it!)- This has been my ambition since the age of 5. My answer to the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?", would always be "A Mommy".
  2. To see my name on the cover of a book. Being an author is cool! :)
  3. To see the whole world (or most of it) over the course of my life.
  4. To learn how to play a musical instrument. (Its never too late!)
  5. To meet my favourite celebrities. (i.e. Shahid Kapoor, SRK and a few more...) {Yes, I'm hopeless}
5 Things I Love To Do On My Birthday:

  1. Wear new clothes! Woohoo!! (Yes, I'm a little childish that way!)
  2. Read my Birthday Letter from my best friend. It makes me feel special. :)
  3. Go out for dinner with my family. ( Its always a 5 star - I'm very spoilt!)
  4. Treat my friends some place nice. ( Friends and family...the people who make you the person you are, isn't it?)
  5. Go to the Fire Temple and pray for a great year and thank God for a good life. ( I do it on every birthday. It makes me happy. )
[FYI, I have two birthdays. One is according to the Zoroastrian Calendar and one is my date. So it's double the wishes and double the fun!]

So I guess I didn't exactly keep things short!! It's kind of a habit of mine.....not knowing when to stop......

Until next time.....