Monday, August 29, 2011

My Bucket List!

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So what do people usually want to do before they kick the bucket? Some want to climb a mountain, some want to go bungee jumping or pierce their tongue....but mine isn't that wild!(I'm a big scaredy cat....I can't even ride a rollercoaster without getting death visions!) Here are most of the things that I would love to accomplish before this world has to bade me goodbye! :)

  •  See my name on the cover of a book - Now who wouldn't want to be the next J.K.Rowling?
  • Go backpacking across Europe all by myself! :)
  • See myself on TV (Obviously if I'm going to be a famous author the interviews should follow! :P )
  • Act in a cheesy Hindi Rom-Com Film!!
  • Start my own travel and lifestyle magazine :)
  • Get my portfolio made!
  • Give an award winning speech on stage in front of hundreds of people thanking my dog and everything else! :P
  • Meet Prince William. and Daniel Radcliffe. (Aah...a girl can dream, can't she?)
  • Visit the Taj Mahal. (Yeah, I haven't done that yet!!!)
  • Host a show on TV.
  • Win an inter-country Scrabble competition.
  • See what it feels like to be insanely drunk. Do crazy stuff and not have to pay for it later!!
  • Buy a duplex apartment and furnish it myself.
  • Write a movie script and see the final product on the big screen! :)
  • Run across a sarson ka khet to my lover... a la DDLJ!! :P
  • Learn atleast 3 foreign languages!
  • Learn how to play atleast 2 musical instruments. (And a little more than just "Happy Birthday"!)
  • Be a cartoonist. or a professional photographer.
  • Drive a red Ferrari.
  • Go see a music concert live.
  • Take a road trip with my friends.
  • Wear a white wedding dress....just for fun!! :)
  • Visit the North Pole.

    This surely won't be the end...but I'd love to see things getting crossed off my list soon! (For those who think I'm crazy......I'll send you a picture from the North Pole!! :P)


  1. aww thats nice!
    you cld have been a bit more adventurous though :)
    dont tell me you havent ever been to a music concert!!!

  2. haha...yeah but you know what a sissy i am! :P what's your definition of "adventurous?" what crazy things do you wanna do?

    Lol no never been to one! i mean like a live rock concert or something...not those ones at NCPA and all..

  3. Your blog is ADORABLE girl. I can relate to SO many of these bucket list wishes lol - in fact, pretty much all of them! I'm following you now - love it! xxx

  4. Thank you so much...thats very sweet of you! :)
    I had a look at your blog--its very good!
    I'm just a really lazy person or I would have been blogging more often! :P

  5. Hahaha..Just read this. Atleast, one wish is fulfilled. Visit Taj Mahal - Check. = )
    And you crazy. But i love you. But you crazy! :P

  6. I was the first to comment but it never got published! :(
    Anyway, now I'm on a mission to comment on all your posts so here you go.
    It is my duty and prerogative to fulfil the drunk wish at least!! Don't you DARE do it with anyone else. :p
    I'm also writing the foreword in your book, directing the film, coming for the road trip, the Ferrari drive and I'm planning the wedding! And mention me in your thank you speech!!
